Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 10, 2013

Amuse Reservation wp theme

Amuse Reservation wp theme

Finding the perfect theme can be confusing and time consuming at the best of times with so many theme sellers out there – 1001 to be exact.
There’s a lot to consider before you hit the “Buy” button. Do you need a single theme or would a club membership offer better value for money? Do you need ongoing support? Do you need a theme that is feature-rich and fully customizable or something more basic and minimalistic?
To help you get a feel for what’s available, we have posted comprehensive reviews of 12 of the most popular WordPress theme sellers – amuse Reservation WP Theme Review
For each theme company, we investigated their cost, features, aesthetics, usability, customer support and speed.
Theme Seller Reviews Conclusion
We are in no way affiliated with any of the theme sellers we reviewed. We’re not going to tell you which amuse reservation wp theme seller you MUST sign up with because everyone’s needs are different. We simply did the leg work to help you decide which theme seller would work best for you.

Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 10, 2013

The Honest Amuse Reservation WP Theme Review - A Reliable Product For You

The Honest Amuse Reservation WP Theme Review -  A Reliable Product For You

Amuse Reservation WP Theme – OverView

amuse reservation wp theme review
Vendor : Handoko Tantra
Product : Amuse Reservation WP Theme
Price : $17 – $27
FE Niche  : Software
Product Niche: Theme WordPress
Bonus : Yes – Click here to get a huge list Special BONUS worth more than $1800
Launch Date: 01/10/2013
Launch Time:  11:00 AM Est
Amuse Reservation WP Theme Review
Amuse Reservation Wp Theme Dowload

Description About Product

          This theme providing ultimate booking system for your WordPress site . No need to use third party appointment booking services, everything can be managed from inside the WordPress admin panel.  Provide your clients with Out-of-box Appointment Management Solution. Visitors will be able to check availability and make reservations for specific day(s) or time slots. Your customers even can search available properties or services for the specific dates and pay online for their own bookings. It’s beautiful and simple-to-use interface, makes receiving and managing bookings a very pleasant experience.

Amuse Reservation WP Theme – Who can use it?

       Amuse theme can be used by any services oriented business. Whether they area operating of a big hotel with hundreds of rooms or need to create Multi-User portal for accommodation owners, or a sole business owner, who need to automatize the bookings for a service, we have you in mind.  It’s great for anyone who has a service or properties to book such as…
  • Resource scheduling this includes (bed & breakfast, cottages, hotel rooms, houses, apartments, rooms etc.).
  • Equipment rentals this includes (cars, bikes, computers, hi-fi technics, pools, etc.).
  • Client scheduling this includes (photographers, lawyers, beauty salons, spas, massage therapists).
  • Meeting scheduling this includes (coaching, phone advice).
  • Event scheduling this includes (conference, course, fitness center, yoga class, gym).
  • Patient scheduling this includes (doctor, dentists, clinic, medical).
  • Or any other service, where can be done reservation for specific day(s) or times.

Main Features

  • Responsive design
  • Drop down page builder
  • Service management
  • staff role management
  • Client database management
  • Email notification and autoresponder templates
  • Double checking function to prevent double reservation
  • Online payment with Paypal integration
  • And many more…..
OTO #1 – Appointments Addon WordPress PluginOptional WordPress plugin with more advance reservation features that compliment with the front-end offer. Some of the features are:
  • Report per item
  • Clients database import from XLS file
  • Customer email reminder
  • Advance customer notification
  • Reservation report per week/month/year
  • customer registration form
  • And many more…
OTO #2 – Lumos Reservation WordPress ThemeThis theme has similar reservation functions and features as well as our front-end offer but with totally new layout design.
Amuse Reservation Wp Theme
Amuse Reservation Wp Theme Sales Funnel

Why you should promote ?

       WordPress theme has huge demand and also and evergreen product. This WP theme will help people that run a services based business to help growing their businesses. People can make money as many as they want  by only spending several bucks to buy this ultimate WP theme. That’s why this offer so undeniable and irresistible. BOOM! You can make up to $64 per sale!
Amuse Reservation WP Theme Review
        Back in July and September, we launched a similar theme called Orange Business Flex and it sold over 500 copies in total. We only have small number of affiliates on the previous launches but again we did it. We made over 500 copies with a very small number of affiliates. Now, we’re bringing back a similar theme but with more powerfull features because there are many people that come up to me and told me that they want more advanced features of reservation and appointments WordPress theme. So here we are right now.. bringing the most wanted WP theme into the marketplace…
Amuse Reservation Wp Theme Dowload

What Our Previous Buyers Have To Say ?

Amuse Reservation Wp Theme ReviewAmuse Reservation Wp Theme Review


     With Amuse Reservation WP Theme, build your website might be more easy just few clicks and works with your site are often more successful. This theme providing ultimate booking system for your WordPress site . No need to use third party appointment booking services, everything can be managed from inside the WordPress admin panel. Provide your clients with Out-of-box Appointment Management Solution. Visitors will be able to check availability and make reservations for specific day(s) or time slots. Your customers even can search available properties or services for the specific dates and pay online for their own bookings. It’s beautiful and simple-to-use interface, makes receiving and managing bookings a very pleasant experience. Since the results, it can save more time to use other works, drinking a cup full of cafe with all your friends, reading a magazine or visiting a good place… Moreover, your ranking in Google results will be improved significantly in addition to visitors increases so much. Remember that you save considerable time with this particular amazing theme, a lot more money you earn!!!
Amuse Reservation Wp Theme Dowload
Thanks you ! If  you have any problem ? Please Contact to me

Amuse Reservation Wp Theme Special Bonus Worth Over $1800 –

Amuse Reservation Wp Theme Special Bonus Worth Over $1800 – Yours Free Now

As I mentioned in my honest Amuse Reservation Wp Theme Review, this is really best Amazon WordPress Themes which the Amazon affiliates can use in researching on highly priced products and also for training . And now, I have a very special gift for you if you decide to get Amuse Reservation Wp Theme through my site.

Amuse Reservation Wp Theme Huge Bonus Packages Worth Over $1800

To increase value when you get through my site. I have a huge bonus Package for you. This is really a special deal, so it just for 10 first persons who Amuse Reservation Wp Theme Here. Below is the detail of the bonus package that you will get. Be quickly, It just for 10 first persons only==========================================================================================


Bonus No #1

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Bonus No #2

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Bonus No #3 – WP Social Master - Value : $77

wp-social-poster-bonus3 - Upanh.comFrom : Handoko Tantra 5 Clicks setup and you never have to worry about your blog traffic anymore, you get it 24/7 and FREE for life (Including hundreds of PLR & MRR WordPress stuff!)

Bonus No #4 - WordPress Optimization Secrets! - Value $77

2940148486428_p0_v1_s260x420 - Upanh.comFrom : Jaka & Nino Turn Your WordPress Blog Into A MEAN MACHINE Today! Get higher rankings, once you know how!

Bonus No #5 - Value: 69$

wp-authority-links-bonus_zpsa517b66a -

Bonus No #6 – Top 10 Premium WordPress Plugin Help You Win Every Marketing Strategy - Value $190

top-wordpress-plugins1 - Upanh.comPackage of plugins include:
  • Social Marketing - Get your message onto the social webs with this plugin for easy sharing to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and more.
  • Pay with a Like - Allow visitors to pay for any of your content using Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or LinkedIn, promoting your site across the social networks… go viral!
  • Ultimate Facebook - The only Facebook plugin you will ever need: Autopost to your wall or fan page, registration and login, Facebook comments, BuddyPress profiles support and more.
  • Pop Up! - Allows you to display a fancy popup (powered as a popover!) to visitors sitewide or per blog, a *very* effective way of advertising a mailing list, special offer or running a plain old ad.
  • Infinite SEO - Every SEO option your WordPress, Multisite or BuddyPress site requires – in one easy bundle.
  • Ad Widget - This plugin allows you to simply deploy multiple widgets each with different rules for showing ads e.g. one widget can show ads only to IE users and another can show ads only to search visitors
  • MailChimp Integration - Simply integrate MailChimp with your Multisite (or regular old single user WP) site – automatically add new users to your email lists and import all your existing users
  • Invite - Allow your users to invite – via email – their friends and colleagues to check out their blog and sign up at your site!
  • The Google+ Plugin - Complete Google+ integration with your site – pages, +1 buttons, analytics, and more!
  • Simple Ads - This plugin does the advertising basics – essentially allowing you to simply insert ads before and after post content around your entire site with no option for users to remove them

Bonus No #7 – Ultimate Making Money Course - Value $235

ultimatemakingmoneycourse250 -
Watch And Listen In As A Professional No B.S. Marketer Gives You An A-Z Course On Several Ways That You Can Start Making Money Online Right Now! The course includes 6 videos:
Video 1: Getting Started In Your Journey
Video 2: The Truth About Traffic
Video 3: Affiliate Marketing Riches
Video 4: Product Empire Riches
Video 5: Making Money Providing Online Services
Video 6: Picking Your Profits

Bonus No #8 – Video Traffic GURU - Value $187

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What I finally developed was a simple system that just about anyone can do. Even if you don’t have a lot of technical skills- you can start creating quality videos and getting traffic in NO time. In Video Traffic Guru, you’ll discover
  1. The top 3 ways to create videos FAST
  2. The #1 niche to promote with videos
  3. How to choose keywords for the title
  4. FREE Software that makes video creation a snap
  5. Why you must create your own YouTube channel
  6. How to drive traffic to your videos


 Bonus No #1 -50 Ways To Build Backlinks - Value $47

 50-ways-to-build-backlinks-700365-0-s-307x512 -  Description : Online Marketing free ebook “50 Ways To Build Backlinks” looks at some these methods to build backlinks: Make lists, Hire a publicist, Use Diigo, Perform studies and present statistics in a graph, Becoming the authority and make it easy to link you, Social bookmarking using Delicious, Article submission and syndication, Cover developments to the hottest current news. Personal Use.

Bonus No #2 - Building Better Backlinks – Value $27

building-better-backlinks -  Description : SEO ebook “Building Better Backlinks” looks at Some Solid Gold Advice When Selecting Providers, Fiverr Specific Tips, Fiverr Search Terms, Warrior Forum Advanced Search, Types of Links, Private Blog Networks, Article Distribution, Social Bookmarking, Blog Commenting, Software Service Providers and Forum Profile Backlinks

Bonus No #3 – WP Easy Custom Fields - Value $27.

box-274x300 - Upanh.comDescription : WordPress free plugin “WP Easy Custom Fields” allows you to create a custom field and add the content you want to be displayed to the custom field. Just add the shortcode where you want the content to show up.

Bonus No #4 – Social Media Power - value $30.

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Bonus No #5 – Social Sites Matrix - Value $60.

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Bonus No #1 -Eleganthemes – Value $39

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Bonus No #2  - Social Traffic Profits - Value $50.

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Bonus No #3 – Social Bookmarking Secrets - Value $47.

social-bookmarking-secrets-1-1-s-307x512 -  Description : How to leverage Social Bookmarking sites can be a mystery …..until you read this report.

Bonus No #4 - 50 List Building Techniques - Value $20.

2940016342146_p0_v1_s260x420 -  Description : Online Marketing free ebook “50 List Building Techniques” comes with 50 to the point ways to increase your list building endeavor, some of these include: Relevant Content, Using Feedburner, Ad Swaps, Newsletter and ezines, Safelists networks, Newsletter or email frequency and consistency, Cross Promotion.

Bonus No #5 – EZ Bookmark US Generator - Value $20.

ezbookmarkusgenerator_500-300x300 -  Description : Social Marketing  software “EZ Bookmark Us Generator” creates a small script you can place on your site to help people easily bookmark it. Includes a Video Tutorial.

Bonus No # 6 – Social Networking Exposed - Value $27.

3d-sne - Upanh.comDescription : Social Networking free info ebook “Social Networking Exposed” includes chapters on: What is Social Networking?, Why Social Networking Sites are So Popular, Popular Social Networking Websites, MySpace: A Popular Social Networking Website, Facebook: Another Popular Social Networking Website, Creating Your Social Networking Website Profile, What NOT to Put in Your Social Network Profile, The Advantages and Disadvantages to Using Social Networking Sites to Find Dates, Using Social Networking Websites to Promote Your Blog, Using Social Networking Websites to Promote Your Business, Using Social Networking Websites to Promote Your Online Website andShould Your Join a Social Networking Website?

Bonus No #7 – 10 Ways to Write More Affective Ads - Value $20.

10wayscoverlarge - Upanh.comDescription : This Marketing ebook  looks at What is advertising, Emphasize Benefits – Not Features, Push Their Emotional Hot Buttons, Incorporating Proof and Believability, The Unique Selling Proposition (USP), The Headline, The More You Tell – The More You Sell, Write To Be Scanned, The Structure of AIDAS and Use Takeaway Selling to Increase the Urgency. Give Away and Resell rights within ebook.  

3 simple steps to claim this bonuses

  1. Get Amuse Reservation Wp Theme by Clicking here to download it now
  2. After completing the transaction, forward the receipt to my email at:
  3. Chose which bonus you want in your email and you will receive the bonus within 24 hours
download_now -
Thanks for visit my Amuse Reservation Wp Theme Review. Hope you could find useful information here. Wish you all the best. Cheers!